There seems to be a lot of confusion about the issuing of permits to provide essential goods and services. But in short:
- “Haircare” is defined as an essential good.
- But hairdressing services are NOT an essential service.
- To sell haircare you must have a permit.
- Permits are not only for companies or closed corporations. Sole proprietors can obtain permits as well.
- You cannot obtain a permit for the provision of hairdressing services, only for the retail of haircare.
Herewith the details in support of our summary:
First of all, we need to know what “essential goods and services” are. The list of essential goods and services are defined in the Disaster Management Act and the Regulations thereto. Annexure B includes “Personal toiletries, including haircare, body and face washes…”. Also now, with the move to Level 4 from 1 May, “personal toiletries, including haircare…” is included under E. Wholesale and retail trade.
So, you may continue to sell haircare to your clients.
Do you need a permit to do that? Yes you do.
In a guideline issued by the Department of Trade and Industry ( it is clearly stated that should you with to supply essential goods or services during the lockdown levels, you must have a permit. But it is not just companies or closed corporations that may have permits, it is also available to sole proprietors.
Companies and closed corporations that are registered with the CIPC MAY (it is not compulsory) apply for certification through the Bizportal website (
Sole proprietors can still obtain a permit, by completing Form 2 of the Level 4 Regulations for them and their staff. This is your permit to retail haircare to your clients. When stopped by enforcement officials, you must be able to produce this permit and a photo ID. The head of the business must ensure full compliance with all requirements of the Act and will be held responsible if they issue permits without being allowed to.
You do not have to register a company to be able to obtain a permit.
For an editable Word version of Form 2 that you can copy and paste on your letterhead, email fi*****@ne****.za to request a softcopy.
Can you apply for a permit to perform hairdressing services? No, you cannot. As hairdressing services are not allowed under Level 4. No permit will allow you to perform services that are specifically excluded from the current level.